Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Special NBA Free Agency Blog

When the clock strikes 11:00 pm central time, the real summer begins in the NBA with one of the biggest free agency periods taking place this year. Since I am a basketball guy, I though it would only be right to give my predictions and explanations on where everyone will sign this summer:

1. Lebron James: Team He Signs With: CHICAGO BULLS: Everyone knows that Lebron is the biggest free agent out there right now. A lot of teams are in the loop to sign the 2 time NBA MVP including, Chicago, Miami, New York, New Jersey, and Cleveland. I can see where Miami would be a huge interest. They have the most cap space in the league and can sign up to 3 max contracts. And they are in South Beach. Many already see him and bosh joining forces with Wade in Miami. But in the end of the day, I have Lebron signing in Chicago. The reason for this is because the Bulls have all the pieces in place for Lebron and Bosh to sign with them and win a title. But they also have a proven point guard in Derrick Rose and that's what Lebron needs. A proven point guard that can get him the ball and make plays. Not to mention Rose can make his own plays if he wanted to. Mario Chalmers is a good point guard but nothing compared to Derrick Rose and that is why Lebron will sign with Chicago. Enough with walking in MJ's shadow. I don't believe it and no one else should. Superstars go to teams to create their own legacy. Lebron will sign because he wants to win. I don't think it's about the money at all. If it was, he'd still be in Cleveland. But it's not, so Chicago will be that team I believe. If not, hello South Beach.

2. Chris Bosh: Team He Signs With: Chicago Bulls: He obviously is the best big man available. But I see him signing with Chicago before Lebron. Bosh has said many times he does not want to be an underheighted center anymore. Well, you can cross Miami out unless Amare follows him to Miami, and you can cross New York off. The only 2 teams available are Chicago, who have Noah and New Jersey who have Brock Lopez. He obviously will sign with Chicago because they have the most talented team with Rose and a future all star in Noah there and Deng unless he is shipped out. Bosh will sign with Chicago. If that's doesn't happen, I see him and Amare both headed to South Beach. I don't feel like I have to explain much on him though.

3. Joe Johnson: Team He Signs With: NEW YORK KNICKS: He is the guy who I think will be the first to sign. And that team will be New York. But a lot of his decisions will be based on what Amare does first. Let's not forget that both Johnson and Amare were once teammates in Phoenix and played for Mike D'antoni. I think ultimately, he would want to stick with Amare wherever he goes but he would also like to play for D'antoni again. If he doesn't sign with New York. I look for him to join Wade in Miami.

4. Amare Stoudemire: Team He Sign With: Miami Heat: I believe that Amare will wait to see what Bosh does first and then do the exact opposite of what Bosh does. If Bosh signs with Miami, he'll sign with Chicago or New York. If Bosh signs with Chicago, then he'll sign with Miami, which I have him doing. I think Amare wants to win a title badly and you are not just going to do it with Joe Johnson. He needs someone else and I think Dwayne Wade is that guy. But even if Johnson were not to follow Amare, they still have Chalmers and Beasley so you never know what could happen. But honestly, he belongs in South Beach.

5. Dwayne Wade: Team He Signs With: Miami Heat: Not much to say about Wade. I think his plans to lure some superstars will work, just not the ones he had in mind. Wade stays in Miami.

6. Carlos Boozer: Team He Signs With: Utah Jazz: Boozer is a fan favorite in this year's Free Agency Class and one of the most coveted and he should be. He is very talented and would work well for a lot of teams. Most have him going to Chicago if Bosh doesn't sign there, but realistically, if he wants to win and if Chicago is not available, he should just stay in Utah which is a winning team. New York and New Jersey are question marks. I don't see him fitting into Miami's system especially if they land Johnson and Amare. It would make sense for Carlos to stay in Utah. They can probably offer him a good deal to stay money wise, and they have the weapons to make a run for a championship already. Their team is already set in Utah and it doesn't make much sense from my perspective to leave the Jazz. Stay in Utah Carlos and make a name for yourself there. If it's about the money, go to New York, New Jersey or Miami. But if it's about winning, go to Chicago or stay in Utah.

7. Dirk Nowitski: Team He Signs With: Dallas Mavericks: Not much to say. No surprise he is opting out to get more money. The reason he is doing it is because next year the NBA will be introducing a new collective bargaining agreement that could hurt future free agents' chances of making bank in the summer so it is smart to opt out now and collect if you know you can make more money. It's the smart thing to do, Dirk is smart for doing it, and he will be back in Dallas.

8. Paul Pierce: Team He Signs With: Boston Celtics: Not a smart move to opt out when you're owed 21.5 million at the end of next year. Pierce won't make anything close to that now and he will resign with Boston. But don't be surprised to hear teams like New York, New Jersey, Cleveland, and Atlanta make a pitch to him.

9. David Lee: Team He Signs With: Cleveland Cavaliers: Very underrated player at his age and would do well for any team but all the max players will be the first to go and then when it is all said and done, there will be Lee and after everything is said and done, I think Cleveland will be hurting and will be looking to add someone big and Lee is their guy. If he doesn't sign with Cleveland, look for him back in New York or look for him to sign with Oklahoma City. Yes I said it! OKC has enough to sign a positive player and Lee would fit in well there.

10. Ray Allen: Team He Signs With: Miami Heat: This is a player that is real important this summer. After all the max players are signed, teams will still be looking to load up and most teams will have enough space to sign him. Ray Allen is still a great player but he is also affordable now. Allen wants to win one more title before he retires which is why it would make sense to join up with Wade and Amare in Miami. He would start at the 2 guard and Wade at the 3. If that doesn't work, he could sign with the Bulls with Lebron and Bosh if they ship Deng out. That would really make sense in Chicago's case. If that doesn't happen, look for him to end up in Cleveland with a pretty good contract. And if that doesn't work, he is on his way back to Boston.

11. John Salmons: Team He Signs With: Cleveland Cavaliers: This is another guy who will be a key player this summer once all the max players are signed. He wants a long term extension which means more money. Milwaukee won't give him it, which is smart because I don't know why you would give a lot of money to an on and off player like him. If John is searching for a pretty good deal, he'll go to teams like Cleveland, New York, and New Jersey. Also keep in mind that Chicago hasn't denied the fact they want Salmons back. But that would only be if they traded Deng. But in the end, I see Salmons staying within the division and Cleveland offering him a pretty good contract. If not, look for him in Milwaukee, Chicago, or back in Sacramento.

12. Shaquille O'Neal: Team He Signs With: Cleveland Cavaliers: SHAQ is getting too old to move around and won't get the contract he is looking for which is why he should just stay in Cleveland. If he chooses to move on, I only see 2 teams that would want to add him if SHAQ is looking for a pretty good contract: New Jersey or Sacramento. If he just wants to win a title, a lot of teams can afford him. It's a wait and see game for him.

13. Nate Robinson: Team He Signs With: Sacramento Kings: Teams will be looking in mid July to add a point guard to the mix. If Nate wants to start, his best shot is in Sacramento where he can play along side Evans, Martin, Cousins, and Hawes. If that doesn't work, I can see him backing up Derrick Rose in Chicago with Lebron, Deng, Bosh and Noah. Time will tell though. If that's doesn't work expect him back in Boston.

All in all, I think Chicago and Miami have great summers. New York and Cleveland have OK summers, and New Jersey is left speechless this summer. Time will tell though. We shall wait and see. Please post any comments you have about where everybody will end up. Thanks for reading.

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